Broadcast’s Best Places to work in TV think Jump is amazing!
Jump is delighted and very proud to be included in the list of Broadcast’s Best Places to work in TV 2020.
The winners were announced at an event held in the rather swanky Conduit Club in the West End. Before the big reveal, there were two panel discussions themed around Mentoring and Talent Retention.
You can see the full list of Broadcast’s Best Places to work in TV winners in this supplement. Find us on Page 24.
Richard Norley, Head Creative at Jump said:
“Jump aims to build a supportive, fun, creative environment for the team so this recognition means a lot to us. Jump Towers is one big open plan office where we encourage collaboration and easy access to management. This philosophy is true for our clients as well – when you work with us you become one of our team too.”
We are lucky to have the best staff at Jump. Not only are they super talented and hard-working but they bring fun and camaraderie to the office every day. Bravo and thank you team Jump!
Russell Hilliard, Director at Jump said:
“Lots of the companies that scored highly on Broadcast’s polls were talking about seeing their work force as one big family and that’s definitely how we see Jump. You should see how the office erupts when it’s someone’s birthday!”
What goes on at Jump?
There are Life Drawing classes and Poker sessions in the office. The team have been Shuffle Boarding, Cycling, Go Karting and there is an annual Sports Days in the park (Ultimate Frisbee gets particularly competitive!) There have been trips to watch sports events that Jump worked on to Cardiff, Berlin, Lyon, Lille and Bordeaux. Jump also has a few very keen bakers that make good use of the oven or bring in baked goods from home. Banana bread and sourdough loaves are two favourites.
How did it all begin?
Jump was founded in 1996. The same five founders and our team of eleven staff will be celebrating Jump’s 24th year this May. You can have a look at some photos from our past here.