Sport Industry Socials – Immersive Sporting Experiences
The Sport Industry Group brings the industry together through a series of world-class events which includes their Sport Industry Socials. Jump has been working closely with SIG for many years and we are very grateful to be invited along to these highly informative and entertaining evenings.
We are proud to be the official graphics supplier to the Sport Industry Awards and also to have recently developed the Sport Industry Group brand.
This month SIG held their second ‘Social’ of the year, where Partners, Members, NextGen Leaders and special guests were invited to London’s latest (and fastest) experiential venue, the F1 Arcade.
The vast, stylish space is filled with bespoke racing simulators which were uniquely developed by Formula 1. The vibrating bucket seats, authentic steering wheel controls, head-rest surround sound and uber-panoramic screen displays really transport the driver onto a racetrack.
SIG had taken over the Private Room which has 8 simulators for guests to compete on. It boasts the most impressive view of St Paul’s which looked particularly gorgeous as the sun slowly set behind it throughout the evening.
But first the main event, a panel of industry experts shared the mic to explore the growing appetite among sports rights holders to enter the hospitality and experiential space.
The panel consisted of:
Katie Mallalieu – Senior Manager, Global Strategic Partnerships at Hilton.
Perry Smith – Head of Partnerships at F1 Arcade.
Barney Dufton – Marketing Director at Rematch.
Kieran Murphy – Head of Creative and Brand at Tottenham Hotspur.
Barney Dufton – Rematch:
“The music industry loves delving into its catalogue and its history. However, in the sports industry, there are all these dormant IPs, dormant moments. There are so many tools available to be able to tell these stories and that creates a huge opportunity.”
Perry Smith – F1 Arcade:
“As anybody interested in Formula 1 will know, there is huge growth in the US market for the sport. Therefore we have seen an opportunity and will be heading over to open up sites in the US. This concept is a unique way for fans to engage with the sport in a completely different setting.”
Read more details about the panel’s insights on the Sport Industry Group’s website.
As the talk finished the room was filled with trays of delicious tasty treats, people topped up their glasses and finally all of the wannabe Lewis Hamiltons in the room got to strap themselves into a leather seat. The race was on!
Russell Hilliard – Marketing Director at Jump:
“These events are such a great way to keep across what’s going on in the whole sport industry – not just your immediate field. We always come away informed and inspired. It’s always good to catch up with familiar faces but also meet some new clients. I have to admit though, my racing skills were more Super Mario than F1!”
Jump’s Senior Designer Sam Clarke is an absolute champion at all games and unsurprisingly did take the chequered flag on quite a few races. Well done Sam.
Congratulations to SIG for organising another fantastic event. We are really looking forward to the next one.
Sport Industry Socials are open to members of the Sport Industry Group.
You can enquire about membership on their website.