Think. Believe. Jump. Create.
Wild Space Productions

Living With Leopards

Client: Wild Space Productions

Jump was approached by Wild Space Productions to create a title sequence for a natural history film documenting the lives of a family of Leopards in Botswana. The film focuses on the leopards but also documents the team of trackers and filmmakers that live in parallel with the leopards. We were tasked with alluding to this intimate relationship by artfully combining shots of the leopards and filmmakers.

Lee Jacobs – Senior Art Director at Jump:

“We created double exposures, combining the footage of the crew and leopards, selecting shots which not only worked aesthetically, but mirrored the behaviours of the family of leopards with the crew. Alex, the director, chose an excellent Neo Soul track for the sequence by Joy Crookes – an unexpected score for a natural history title to emphasise the dramatic narrative of the film. The track has a staccato beat which trips along at a good pace, so rather than long, drifting shots, we cut, chopped and slid the footage to the beats, hard cutting in the credits.”

Wild Space Productions

Russell Mann – Technical Director at Jump:

“The titles needed to be delivered in HDR. This meant initiating early communication with the post house responsible for conforming, onlining and delivering the film to Netflix to make sure that we had our workflows aligned. After Effects doesn’t naturally handle HDR particularly well, so we devoted R&D time to testing and delivering masters in the correct colour space with the full range of colours. Thankfully, this wasn’t our first HDR experience and we squeezed After Effects to deliver exactly what was required.”

Living With Leopards is available to stream on Netflix.

Wild Space Productions
Wild Space Productions
Wild Space Productions